Monday 31 January 2011

Exhibition Space

Although I'm researching all three spaces, creating an exhibition space was the one that really inspired me and I immediatley had lots of various ideas of what I could create. I looked into installation art work and events and there was a lot that I liked.
Firstly a piece by Lance Wakeling named 'Tastes Like Chicken' art space; it involved a miniature exhibition inside a room and it made you loom closely at the art and interiors inside the space. This mad eme think of Lucy's work, because even though it is small and delicate she still wanted people to notice and look at it in detail, so instead of the space dwarfing the work it enhances it.
The dollhouse theme was also very promoinent in my research as it reflected the artwork itself; 'The Dollhouse' by Heather Benning; Viktor and Rolf's Barbican Retrospective; Peintre's sculture at the Biennale 109; the HBO Voyeur Project. All these pieces showed different ways in portraying the dollhouse theme, which could possibly be created into an exbition to show of Lucy's work.
When looking more in depth to the childhood memories/ whimsical theme, I began linking about the exhibition being a temporary event the people could come to and interact with as Lucy wanted people to interact with her work. I thought of a possible Alice in Wonderland theme, linking to Lucy's work as it's related to childhood and the idea of things being out of proportion.

My First Blog

This is the first time I've ever kept a blog, however really feel it's going to benefit my work and allow me to track my own progress and trail of thought.