Monday 28 February 2011

Op Art

 Through my research into optical illusions and mind tricks I've discovered that there's actually a form of art 'Op Art' or Optical Art, that is widely known and is lead by people such as Bridget Riley, a London artist, where all the images shown are taken from. It's certainly something I want to explore and experiment with in and around my exhibition space.

More about unusual staircases

 I came back to looking at staircases as I wanted to explore invent ways of getting people to different levels in the exhibition. These images are created by several different designers but I particularly like the image to the right, created by Levitate Architects, as they also incorporate books, which links into the Bibliotherapy work of Lucy.

My videos uploaded at last well sort of

Here is my channel to youtube still can;t seem to get them on here yet. I'll keep trying

Subliminal messages

I chose to also look into subliminal messages and eye tricks, for several reasons. First of all its an extension of  the idea of playing with the mind, secondly I thought it would be interesting if I could display subliminal messages somehow through the exhibitions in order to make the participant discover feelings and emotions that may be hidden inside them.

Optical Illusions

I've recently been looking more into optical illusions and how to play about with interior space in order to make the viewer feel disorientated. Here are several images that I found that display the kind of concept that I was looking for. All play about with the space and in particular I like the use of the painted walls that confuse a spectator and make the space seem not as it is in reality. Also the use of stairs is imperative in my space as I want to be able to explore different levels in an unusual manner and make the visitors of the exhibition, active members.


I've not posted any blogs over the past week which is bad and there's no excuse however its because I've been struggling to upload my video, and I've been more focused on creating the video and more hands on work like sketches and making my own ames room instead although there's not really any excuse.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Learning how to use iMovie

On Tuesday 15th February we learnt how to use iMovie. As I'm new to my MacBook it was a much needed lesson. I imported the movie I'd created of walking around a maze, and cut it, changed the visual effects, changed the speed, rotated it and added in sound clips to create an eerie video.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

How my Idea has Developed...

Originally I wanted to create an exhibition space for Lucy's 'reflect forward' collection. Howvere after extensive research and analysis into my reponse to her work I now want to create a space more linked to Bibliotherapy. However, I don't want to create a permanent space, or even work with the transient space that Lucy provided, I'm possibly looking at creating some kind of exhibition promoting Lucy's work and the process of Bibliotherapy.
To do this I want to take people on a journey, allowing them to feel lost, disorientated, helpless, intrigued, a whole host of emotions that leads them to a deeper understanding of Bibliotherapy.

Monday 14 February 2011

Another illusion

 After looking at the mirrors and the ames room I started looking at other ways to create an unusual illusion in a room. That's when I came across the upside house that had every room inside seemingly upside down. It was an interesting way to literally turn a room around.

Ames room

The Ames Room is a distorted room that is used to create an optical illusion. I wanted to explore it and other interior illusions similar to it, because I would like to use something like this in my own space in order to disorientate the visitor and allow intrigue to draw them further threw into further rooms.

Playing with Mirrors

 I want to experiment with mirrors and different techniques that create illusions in my space. Here are a few images of how to create an usual mood in a room using mirrors.
I think mirrors can have a somewhat sinister and magical theme I'm trying to create, as it's almost like another world when you look into them. I was thinking maybe I could also use a mirror as some kind of door as though stepping into another world. 

Thursday 10 February 2011

An interesting animation

This next clip was clever in it's creation, as also it's quite a simple animation, it makes the viewer feel a part of the scene and you empathize with the emotions of the character. When watching it I felt lost and distressed, which are attributes that I want to be able to create in my own movie.

Bug clip

I found this clip on Vimeo, although it isn't a traditional black and white silent movie, I loved the way the simple imagery and the use of the sinister music, allowed me to feel bewildered and intrigued.

Silent Movies

I was very keen at looking into silent movies for a development of my work. The basis of this idea came from the video I found of the very first Alice in Wonderland clip. I like the eerie yet comedic image and mood they create and want to explore and investigate the filming techniques for my own movie project. However, I also want to make sure it isn't just a copy of the old silent movie style and I want to create a more modern and unusual feel. That's shown by some of the video's that I have posted already, that explore techniques that I myself want to experiment with.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Someone else's creation

This is someone else who wanted to recreate the whole silent black and white movie era, which they do very well in my opinion.

The filming

These links are both to clips created by the same artist. I like the way in which these clips have been filmed, especially the colouring and the camera techniques used to create an old style that still seems relatively modern.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Few more of the weird and wonderful

Here's several clips that I've collected from the many that I've watched that I really liked and thought I could take inspiration from for my own short movie.

A more modern look at a silent film

Here is a clip of a silent film that has been filmed recently. It helped me consider ways in which you can make modern movies still relate to the old style filming methods

Looking into old silent movies

After todays' tutorial I wanted to look more into movies, especially those old silent movies, here's a clip I found on youtube of one I particularly liked.

Look Book images

These images are some from the 'look book' I created. They create the mood of feeling 'lost' and having many different ways to turn.

Development of Ideas

I've found that constant researching is allowing my ideas to link and develop with eachother creating a theme and mood of what I want to produce in response to Lucy's work. I initially wanted to create a dollhouse like exhibition to show Lucy's 'reflect forward' exhibition, however there's so many more ideas that I want ot look into, and after creating my 'look book' of images that inspire me I can see that it reflects Lucy's Bibliotherapy work also. The idea of feeling 'lost' and trying to find your way, was clearly what my images were trying to portray. Therefore I'm now thinking of either doing an exhibition, related to the bibliotherapy and promoting it, or just do a permanent space for Lucy to perform her bibliotherapy.

Friday 4 February 2011


This was an image I found that kind of reflected the concept I may possibly head towards. Being lost, like in a maze and not being sure of which way to turn. As I feel that relates to both the Bibliotherapy and the exhibition space that I was looking into.



The images on the left are the works of Atelier Van Lieshout. There were so many pieces of work that I liked however I chose to display these ones as I feel they link in with the brief, and my response to Lucy's work.
The first, resembling a tree, gives me the impression of enchantment but with a sinister twist, and it looked like something that Lucy would appreciate.

Although this was a design  for a Male Slave University the concept behind it was what intrigued me. I liked the use of different levels and creating isolated areas.

The final image I chose because I thought it would work well in the permanent space, if I decided to design a studio space for Lucy. It's a clever way to divide space and create seperate areas as well as playing with different levels in the interior.

Wednesday 2 February 2011


Heather Bennings's 'Dollhouse', was created from an old, run down farm house. She's created her very own life size doll's house, which reflects nicely with the work Lucy created for the V&A Museum of Childhood.


 I found several images of the works of an art company KK Projects. They created a series of seven installations using destroyed houses from hurricane Katrina. I love how they've restored and transformed the buildings in a positive way.


These images are the work of Luise Valdez, he created his own world and space completely constructed by paper. I liked it because of the unexpected use of material and I feel it has an almost
              magical element.


This interior space was created by Krijn de Koning, labelled 'The Walls Closing In', I like how he plays around with the space and that the maze like creation allows visitors to explore.

Rotating kitchen

This is a clip I found of an art installation by Zeger Reyers. He's created a kitchen at an art exhibition that rotates slowly over around ten minutes, and it's a complete one off because everything gets destroyed. I liked the way he'd created something that even he didn't know what the results would be.

There's some crazy things out there

I've done a lot of research over the past week and it's just mind blowing some of the art work out there. I've always been quite intrigued by installation art, and I love going to the Tate and Guggenheim galleries to see something more conceptual, so I feel this project suits me well, especially doing some kind of exhibition space because you can be a little more creative. Some of the images and unusual video's I've found are to follow.

Tuesday 1 February 2011


These images show the work of Viktor and Rolf. They create fashion dolls, and this piece 'The Barbican Dollhouse' shows a full size dollhouse they used to showcase their pieces. I feel it links nicely with the childhood museum theme and shows a good way to display work.


This piece of work is an art installation created by Lance Wakeling named 'Tastes Like Chicken Art Space'. I liked how the space was created inside a room and the miniature nature of it made you look closely and take in the detail. I remember Lucy mentioning that she wanted her work to be looked at and interacted with and I feel Wakeling has created a space that does this and does not dwarf the art itself in the process.

The Original Alice in Wonderland

This clip is the highlights of the original Alice in Wonderland movie in 1903! I think it's brilliant, I love the silent balck and white movie era, and the music that goes along with it is fantastic.


This is a video I found on youtube by avril lavigne based on Alice in Wonderland. I liked the whimsical yet sinister theme, and reminded me of some of the work Lucy produces.